has now been re-born as a WordPress blog!
It all started back in 1998, when my professor Espen Andersen at the Norwegian School of Management encouraged his students to publish their assignements on a web site.
At the time I had a very simple 1-pager at one of those free services. Think it was Xoom or something like that..
Then, once I registered, the site was upgraded to a “sharp-looking” 4-page site, hard coded in Notepad. Since that time it has gone through numerous makeovers, with an increasing amount of content.
While living in Kenya (2002-2005), I got into the habit of uploading pictures from places I traveled, mainly for the sake of letting friends and family back home see what I was up to. When I stumbled across Google Analytics, I suddenly realized that they weren’t the only ones who loved the site. More than 2000 visitors monthly in the peak months, and lots of sites linking to mine!
Pretty encouraged, I started making some more content on a highly irregular basis.
The previous version of the web site was in static HTML code, and updating it was a bit of a hassle. Since I want to post pictures and updates on-the-fly from my India trip, I needed something that was quick to update. WordPress was one of the pre-installed Open Source apps from my hosting provider, so all it took was to find and customize a nice theme, and voila ! 😉
Most previous pages and pictures have been ported over to the new site, and more updates will (hopefully) come at a more regular basis from now!
Well, what are you waiting for? The site is all yours! Click, read and enjoy! 🙂